Back in 2017, I decided to take a break for the summer. It made sense. My youngest was crawling everywhere and getting into everything, and my eldest was home from school. But, chaos prevailed (including parental illness and death x 2, plus a life-saving surgery for my eldest), and a few months turned into six years. So, here we are.
Covid, while stressful, proved to be a blessing for me. For the most part, I stopped baking (not being able to share food, I didn’t want to be left with dozens of cookies and cakes to eat, and throwing them out seemed wasteful) and poured my creativity into my first passion: writing. And reading. So that’s been my creative priority since 2020. I still bake for my kids’ birthdays, but that’s about it.
Sooooo, going forth, there will be a change in direction for this blog.
Right now I’ll be writing book reviews and themed rec lists (first one coming May 1!). Most things I read fall into the romance genre (paranormal, monster, contemporary, LGBTQ+), or horror/dark fantasy/urban fantasy/science fiction with a romantic subplot. I read all heat levels (so expect some spicy recs).
Down the road, I might also blog about:
~planner things (big fan of using a planner to organize my writing and my life)
Will there still be cake?
While I’m not doing too much baking these days, potentially I may occasionally share a recipe or a baking project. Truth be told, I’m a bit meh about the lighting situation in my home these days (it’s fine for living, not so great for food photos). I’m also on a bit of a health kick. So down the road, I may be more inclined to share healthy desserts or other things. But not yet. We shall see.
I’m not setting a blogging schedule. When I have something to share, I’ll share it. But, I will be fairly active the first half of May with my themed book recs (*rubs hands together excitedly*).
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